Photon microGUI widgets library 0.6.0
#include <PhWidgetsNativeTypes.h>
The gradient alpha.
This data structure is undocumented but it contains at least the following members:
int gradient_type
- etc.
int transition_type
- etc.
int rotation Rotation of the gradient band in degrees. 0 means that the gradient band is perpendicular to the gradient vector. Rotation only effects vector gradients.
PhPoint_t start_point The start-point of the gradient vector or the center for radial gradients. The effective start_point of the gradient vector is automatically recomputed if a non-zero rotation is specified.
PhPoint_t end_point The end-point of the gradient vector / end.x == radius for radial gradients.
PgColor_t start_color Color at the start-point of the gradient vector.
PgColor_t end_color Color at the end-point of the gradient vector.
int table_size Number of entries in the transition table.
char unsigned * transition_table table[i-1] = percentage of end-color at the start of the i-th color segment. 0% - 100%.