Photon microGUI widgets library 0.6.0
PtCallback_t Struct Reference

#include <PhWidgetsNativeTypes.h>

Detailed Description

Regular callback structure.

The PtCallback_t structure lets you specify a widget's callbacks. This structure contains at least:


‍int (*event_f)( PtWidget_t *, void *, PtCallbackInfo_t * ) A pointer to the callback function.

‍void *data A pointer to data that you want to pass as the second parameter to the callback function when it's invoked.

Callback functions

A callback function takes the following arguments:

PtWidget_t *widget A pointer to the widget instance that invoked the callback.

‍void *client_data The data from the PtCallback_t structure.

A PhAB callback takes as its second argument a pointer to an ApInfo_t structure. For more information, see the Photon Library Reference.

PtCallbackInfo_t *cbinfo A pointer to a common Photon callback structure. The structure provides information related to the widget callback being invoked, the Photon event, and some widget-specific callback data. The format of the data varies with the widget class and callback type. For more information, see PtCallbackInfo_t.

Callback functions should return Pt_CONTINUE unless the description of the widget's callback resource tells you to return something else.

See also

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: