typedef phevent::ph_callback_t | callback_t |
| An event handler that is raised when an event occur.
static void | Update () |
| Causes the Photon microGUI to redraw the all invalidated regions.
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Container.
property< Widget >::bind< Container, &Container::getActiveWidget, &Container::setActiveWidget > | ActiveWidget |
| Gets or sets the active widget on the Container widget.
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Basic.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::BevelColor > | BevelColor |
| Gets or sets the main color of the bevel.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DrawingColor > | Color |
| Gets or sets the foreground or drawing color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkBevelColor > | DarkBevelColor |
| Gets or sets the dark outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkFillColor > | DarkFillColor |
| Gets or sets the dark color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::FillColor > | FillColor |
| Gets or sets the fill color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::InlineColor > | InlineColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the inline of the border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightBevelColor > | LightBevelColor |
| Gets or sets the light outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightFillColor > | LightFillColor |
| Gets or sets the light color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginHeight > | MarginHeight |
| Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginWidth > | MarginWidth |
| Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::OutlineColor > | OutlineColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the outline of the border.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Basic::type >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned long >::Scalar, Arguments<>::BasicFlags > | BasicFlags |
| Gets or sets basic flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Basic::type.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Activate > | Activate |
| Occurs when you release the left pointer button while pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Arm > | Arm |
| Occurs when you press the left pointer button while pointing at the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Disarm > | Disarm |
| Occurs when you release the left pointer button when not pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::GotFocus > | GotFocus |
| Occurs when a widget gets focus or its focus status changes.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::LostFocus > | LostFocus |
| Occurs when a widget loses focus.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Menu > | Menu |
| Occurs when you press the right button while the pointer is on top of the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Repeat > | Repeat |
| Documentation in progress...
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getAllowDrop, &Widget::setAllowDrop > | AllowDrop |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can accept data that the user drags onto it.
phbitmask< unsigned, Flags::Anchor::type, Flags::Anchor::All >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned >::AnchorFlags > | Anchor |
| Gets or sets flags specifying how the widget is anchored to its parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::BevelWidth > | BevelWidth |
| Gets or sets the bevel width of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBottom > | Bottom |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< PhArea_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBounds, &Widget::setBounds > | Bounds |
| Gets or sets the size and location of the widget including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanFocus > | CanFocus |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget can receive focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanSelect > | CanSelect |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget can be selected.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getContainsFocus > | ContainsFocus |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget, or one of its child widgets, currently has the input focus.
property< PhWidgets::Cursor >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCursor, &Widget::setCursor > | Cursor |
| Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PgColor_t >::Color, Arguments< PgColor_t >::CursorColor > | CursorColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the cursor pointer when it's inside the widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getEnabled, &Widget::setEnabled > | Enabled |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can respond to user interaction.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getFocused > | Focused |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget has input focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasChildren > | HasChildren |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget contains one or more child widgets.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasParent > | HasParent |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget has parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Height > | Height |
| Gets or sets the height of the widget.
property< std::string >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getHelpTopic, &Widget::setHelpTopic > | HelpTopic |
| Gets or sets the help topic of the widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getIsRealized > | IsRealized |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget is realized.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLeft, &Widget::setLeft > | Left |
| Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
property< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLocation, &Widget::setLocation > | Location |
| Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
property< PtWidget_t * >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getParent, &Widget::setParent > | Parent |
| Gets or sets the parent container of the widget.
phproperty< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Position > | Position |
| Gets or sets the absolute coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getRight > | Right |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
phproperty< PhDim_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Dimension > | Size |
| Gets or sets the size of the widget.
tag_property< Widget, &Widget::getTag, &Widget::setTag > | Tag |
| Gets or sets the resource that contains data about the widget.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getTop, &Widget::setTop > | Top |
| Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getVisible, &Widget::setVisible > | Visible |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget and all its child widgets are displayed.
property< std::set< PhWidgets::Widget >, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getWidgets > | Widgets |
| Gets the list of widgets contained within the widget.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Width > | Width |
| Gets or sets the width of the widget.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Extended::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned long >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned long >::ExtendedFlags > | ExtendedFlags |
| Gets or sets extended flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Extended::type.
phbitmask< long, Flags::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Flags > | WidgetFlags |
| Gets or sets flags inherited by all widgets.
phbitmask< long, Flags::Resize::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Resiztype > | Resiztype |
| Gets or sets flags to control a widget's resize policy. See Flags::Resize::type.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Destroyed > | Destroyed |
| Occurs when the widget is destroyed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Blocked > | Blocked |
| Occurs when the widget is blocked.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::DragAndDrop > | DragDrop |
| Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::IsDestroyed > | IsDestroyed |
| Occurs when the widget's resources are being released.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Outbound > | Outbound |
| Occurs when you press the pointer button on the widget and then move out of the "hot spot" with the button still depressed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Realized > | Realized |
| Occurs when the widget is realized.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Unrealized > | Unrealized |
| Occurs when the widget is unrealized.
Superclass for all compound widgets.
The Compound superclass provides the ability to combine widgets into a compound. A compound widget can export its subordinate children to let you get and set their resources, or it can block access to them to provide a “canned” appearance.