Photon microGUI widgets library 0.6.0
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PhWidgets::Basic Class Reference

A superclass of basic resources for most widgets. More...

#include <Basic.h>

Inheritance diagram for PhWidgets::Basic:
PhWidgets::Widget PhWidgets::Container PhWidgets::Gauge PhWidgets::Graphic PhWidgets::Label PhWidgets::Compound PhWidgets::Disjoint PhWidgets::ImageArea PhWidgets::Pane PhWidgets::Button PhWidgets::TextWidget PhWidgets::ComboBox PhWidgets::Numeric PhWidgets::Window PhWidgets::OnOffButton PhWidgets::ToggleButton PhWidgets::NumericFloat PhWidgets::NumericInteger


struct  Arguments
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments. More...
struct  Arguments< Basic, T, false >
struct  Arguments< char *, ResourceTag::String, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type char*. More...
struct  Arguments< char, ResourceTag::Scalar, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type char. More...
struct  Arguments< PgColor_t, ResourceTag::Color, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type PgColor_t. More...
struct  Arguments< PgPattern_t, ResourceTag::Struct, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type PgPattern_t. More...
struct  Arguments< T, Widget::ResourceTypeTag< TypeID > >
struct  Arguments< unsigned char, ResourceTag::Scalar, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type unsigned char. More...
struct  Arguments< unsigned long, ResourceTag::Scalar, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type unsigned long. More...
struct  Arguments< unsigned short, ResourceTag::Scalar, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic arguments of type unsigned short. More...
struct  Arguments< void, Widget::ResourceTypeTag< TypeID > >
struct  Callbacks
 Contains resource IDs for Basic callbacks. More...
struct  Callbacks< Basic, T >
struct  Callbacks< PtCallback_t, ResourceTag::Callback, Dummy >
 Contains resource IDs for Basic callbacks of type PtCallback_t. More...
struct  Callbacks< T, void, Dummy >
struct  Callbacks< void, void, Dummy >
struct  Flags
 Contains flags for all Basic resources. More...

Public Member Functions

 Basic (int abn)
 Basic (PtWidget_t *wdg)
 Basic (const Basic &other)
 (copy constructor)
Basicoperator= (const Basic &other)
 Assigns value in Basic widget.
Event raisers
void OnActivated (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::Activate event.
void OnArmed (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::Arm event.
void OnDisarmed (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::Disarm event.
void OnGotFocused (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::GotFocus event.
void OnLostFocus (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::LostFocus event.
void OnMenu (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::Menu event.
void OnRepeat (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Basic::Repeat event.
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhWidgets::Widget
 Widget (int abn)
 Widget (PtWidget_t *wdg)
 Widget (const Widget &other)
 (copy constructor)
void swap (Widget &other)
 Exchanges the contents of *this and other.
Widgetoperator= (const Widget &other)
 Assigns value in Widget.
Widgetoperator= (PtWidget_t *wdg)
 Assigns value in Widget.
bool operator== (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
bool operator!= (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
bool operator< (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
bool operator<= (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
bool operator> (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
bool operator>= (const Widget &other) const
 Compares Widgets.
PtWidget_tget () const
 Returns the stored pointer.
 operator PtWidget_t * ()
 Converts Widget to Photon widget pointer.
 operator const PtWidget_t * () const
 Converts Widget to constant Photon widget pointer.
void BringToFront ()
 Brings the widget to the front of the z-order.
bool Contains (const Widget &widget)
 Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified widget is a child of the widget.
bool Focus ()
 Sets input focus to the widget.
Widget GetNextWidget (const Widget &widget, bool forward=true) const
 Retrieves the next widget forward or back in the tab order of child widgets.
void Hide ()
 Conceals the widget from the user.
void Invalidate (PhRect_t rc, bool invalidateChildren=false)
 Invalidates a specific region of the widget and causes a paint message to be sent to the widget.
void Invalidate (bool invalidateChildren=false)
 Invalidates a specific region of the widget and causes a paint message to be sent to the widget.
bool Realize ()
 Make the widget and its children visible and possibly interactive.
void Refresh ()
 Forces the widget to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child widgets.
void SendToBack ()
 Sends the widget to the back of the z-order.
void SetBounds (short x, short y, unsigned short width, unsigned short height)
 Sets the bounds of the widget to the specified location and size.
void SetBounds (short x, short y)
 Sets the bounds of the widget to the specified location.
void Select ()
 Activates the widget.
void Show ()
 Displays the widget to the user.
bool Unrealize ()
 Unrealizes the widget and all its children.
void OnDestroyed (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::Destroyed event.
void OnBlocked (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::Blocked event.
void OnDragDrop (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::DragDrop event.
void OnOutbound (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::Outbound event.
void OnRealized (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::Realized event.
void OnUnrealized (PtCallbackInfo_t *info)
 Raises the Widget::Unrealized event.

Public Attributes

WidgetResourcesSingleton resource
 Resources of the Basic.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::BevelColor > BevelColor
 Gets or sets the main color of the bevel.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DrawingColor > Color
 Gets or sets the foreground or drawing color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkBevelColor > DarkBevelColor
 Gets or sets the dark outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkFillColor > DarkFillColor
 Gets or sets the dark color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::FillColor > FillColor
 Gets or sets the fill color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::InlineColor > InlineColor
 Gets or sets the color of the inline of the border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightBevelColor > LightBevelColor
 Gets or sets the light outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightFillColor > LightFillColor
 Gets or sets the light color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginHeight > MarginHeight
 Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginWidth > MarginWidth
 Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::OutlineColor > OutlineColor
 Gets or sets the color of the outline of the border.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Basic::type >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned long >::Scalar, Arguments<>::BasicFlags > BasicFlags
 Gets or sets basic flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Basic::type.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Activate > Activate
 Occurs when you release the left pointer button while pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Arm > Arm
 Occurs when you press the left pointer button while pointing at the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Disarm > Disarm
 Occurs when you release the left pointer button when not pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::GotFocus > GotFocus
 Occurs when a widget gets focus or its focus status changes.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::LostFocus > LostFocus
 Occurs when a widget loses focus.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Menu > Menu
 Occurs when you press the right button while the pointer is on top of the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Repeat > Repeat
 Documentation in progress...
- Public Attributes inherited from PhWidgets::Widget
WidgetResourcesSingleton resource
 Resources of the Widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getAllowDrop, &Widget::setAllowDrop > AllowDrop
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can accept data that the user drags onto it.
phbitmask< unsigned, Flags::Anchor::type, Flags::Anchor::All >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned >::AnchorFlags > Anchor
 Gets or sets flags specifying how the widget is anchored to its parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::BevelWidth > BevelWidth
 Gets or sets the bevel width of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBottom > Bottom
 Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< PhArea_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBounds, &Widget::setBounds > Bounds
 Gets or sets the size and location of the widget including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanFocus > CanFocus
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget can receive focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanSelect > CanSelect
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget can be selected.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getContainsFocus > ContainsFocus
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget, or one of its child widgets, currently has the input focus.
property< PhWidgets::Cursor >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCursor, &Widget::setCursor > Cursor
 Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PgColor_t >::Color, Arguments< PgColor_t >::CursorColor > CursorColor
 Gets or sets the color of the cursor pointer when it's inside the widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getEnabled, &Widget::setEnabled > Enabled
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can respond to user interaction.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getFocused > Focused
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget has input focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasChildren > HasChildren
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget contains one or more child widgets.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasParent > HasParent
 Gets a value indicating whether the widget has parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Height > Height
 Gets or sets the height of the widget.
property< std::string >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getHelpTopic, &Widget::setHelpTopic > HelpTopic
 Gets or sets the help topic of the widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getIsRealized > IsRealized
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget is realized.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLeft, &Widget::setLeft > Left
 Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
property< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLocation, &Widget::setLocation > Location
 Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
property< PtWidget_t * >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getParent, &Widget::setParent > Parent
 Gets or sets the parent container of the widget.
phproperty< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Position > Position
 Gets or sets the absolute coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getRight > Right
 Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
phproperty< PhDim_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Dimension > Size
 Gets or sets the size of the widget.
tag_property< Widget, &Widget::getTag, &Widget::setTag > Tag
 Gets or sets the resource that contains data about the widget.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getTop, &Widget::setTop > Top
 Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getVisible, &Widget::setVisible > Visible
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget and all its child widgets are displayed.
property< std::set< PhWidgets::Widget >, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getWidgets > Widgets
 Gets the list of widgets contained within the widget.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Width > Width
 Gets or sets the width of the widget.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Extended::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned long >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned long >::ExtendedFlags > ExtendedFlags
 Gets or sets extended flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Extended::type.
phbitmask< long, Flags::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Flags > WidgetFlags
 Gets or sets flags inherited by all widgets.
phbitmask< long, Flags::Resize::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Resiztype > Resiztype
 Gets or sets flags to control a widget's resize policy. See Flags::Resize::type.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Destroyed > Destroyed
 Occurs when the widget is destroyed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Blocked > Blocked
 Occurs when the widget is blocked.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::DragAndDrop > DragDrop
 Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::IsDestroyed > IsDestroyed
 Occurs when the widget's resources are being released.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Outbound > Outbound
 Occurs when you press the pointer button on the widget and then move out of the "hot spot" with the button still depressed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Realized > Realized
 Occurs when the widget is realized.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Unrealized > Unrealized
 Occurs when the widget is unrealized.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from PhWidgets::Widget
typedef phevent::ph_callback_t callback_t
 An event handler that is raised when an event occur.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PhWidgets::Widget
static void Update ()
 Causes the Photon microGUI to redraw the all invalidated regions.

Detailed Description

A superclass of basic resources for most widgets.

The Basic superclass provides basic resources for all widgets. It provides the fundamental events for:

getting/losing focus activating button press, release, and repeat

Also, Basic supports:

toggle buttons

and provides properties for:

bevel colors
outline and inline colors
draw color
fill color
fill pattern.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Basic() [1/3]

PhWidgets::Basic::Basic ( int abn)


Constructs a Basic widget by ID.

[in]abnID given by PhAB to widget (like 'ABN_WIDGET_NAME').

◆ Basic() [2/3]

PhWidgets::Basic::Basic ( PtWidget_t * wdg)


Constructs a Basic widget by pointer to widget.

[in]wdgpointer to Photon widget.

◆ Basic() [3/3]

PhWidgets::Basic::Basic ( const Basic & other)

(copy constructor)

Constructs a Basic widget by copy.

[in]otheranother Basic widget to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

Basic & PhWidgets::Basic::operator= ( const Basic & other)

Assigns value in Basic widget.

Replaces the contents of the Basic widget.

[in]otheranother Basic widget to use as data source.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BevelColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::BevelColor> PhWidgets::Basic::BevelColor

Gets or sets the main color of the bevel.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color that represents the main color of the bevel.

See also

◆ Color

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DrawingColor> PhWidgets::Basic::Color

Gets or sets the foreground or drawing color for the widget.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color that represents the foreground or drawing color of the widget. The default is the value of the PhWidgets::Drawing::Colors::Black.


// You have somewhere:
PtWidget_t *ptwidget; // pointer to widget
// constructing Widget
PhWidgets::Basic widget(ptwidget);
A superclass of basic resources for most widgets.
@ DarkBlue
System-defined color that has an ARGB value of #FF00008B.
Definition Color.h:52
The Basic::Color property does not support transparent colors unless the color model is set to ARGB.
The Basic::Color property is an ambient property. An ambient property is a widget property that, if not set, is retrieved from the parent widget. For example, a PhWidgets::Button will have the same Basic::Color as its parent PhWidgets::Window by default.
See also

◆ DarkBevelColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkBevelColor> PhWidgets::Basic::DarkBevelColor

Gets or sets the dark outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color, with Basic::LightBevelColor, that represents the outermost colors used when applying a bevel to a widget.

These value is automatically generated when you set Basic::FillColor. Setting Basic::FillColor overrides any values set previously via these property.
See Basic::BasicFlags to find out when gradients and borders are rendered for a given widget.
See also

◆ DarkFillColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkFillColor> PhWidgets::Basic::DarkFillColor

Gets or sets the dark color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color, with Basic::LightFillColor, that represents the color with which a gradient (if applied) starts and ends. These value is also used as the inner color for the bevels (i.e. the bottom bevel normally goes through a transition from Basic::DarkBevelColor to Basic::DarkFillColor when a bevel is applied to the widget).

These value is automatically generated when you set Basic::FillColor. Setting Basic::FillColor overrides any values set previously via these property.
See Basic::BasicFlags to find out when gradients and borders are rendered for a given widget.
See also

◆ FillColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::FillColor> PhWidgets::Basic::FillColor

Gets or sets the fill color for the widget.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color that represents the fill color of the widget. The default is the value of the PhWidgets::Drawing::Colors::Black.

This color is used as the base color when generating the Basic::BevelColor, Basic::LightBevelColor, Basic::DarkBevelColor, Basic::LightFillColor, and Basic::DarkFillColor.

Setting this property effectively overrides all values previously set for the Basic::LightBevelColor, Basic::DarkBevelColor, Basic::LightFillColor, and Basic::DarkFillColor properties. This is like setting the chroma for a widget.
See Basic::BasicFlags to find out when gradients and borders are rendered for a given widget.
The Basic::FillColor property does not support transparent colors unless the color model is set to ARGB.
The Basic::Color property is an ambient property. An ambient property is a widget property that, if not set, is retrieved from the parent widget. For example, a PhWidgets::Button will have the same Basic::FillColor as its parent PhWidgets::Window by default.
See also

◆ InlineColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::InlineColor> PhWidgets::Basic::InlineColor

Gets or sets the color of the inline of the border.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color that represents the color of the inline of the border.

The inline is drawn if any of 'inline' Basic::Flags::Basic flags are set in Basic::BasicFlags.
See also

◆ LightBevelColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightBevelColor> PhWidgets::Basic::LightBevelColor

Gets or sets the light outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color, with Basic::DarkBevelColor, that represents the outermost colors used when applying a bevel to a widget.

These value is automatically generated when you set Basic::FillColor. Setting Basic::FillColor overrides any values set previously via these property.
See Basic::BasicFlags to find out when gradients and borders are rendered for a given widget.
See also

◆ LightFillColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightFillColor> PhWidgets::Basic::LightFillColor

Gets or sets the light color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color, with Basic::DarkFillColor, that represents the color with which a gradient (if applied) starts and ends. These value is also used as the inner color for the bevels (i.e. the bottom bevel normally goes through a transition from Basic::DarkBevelColor to Basic::DarkFillColor when a bevel is applied to the widget).

These value is automatically generated when you set Basic::FillColor. Setting Basic::FillColor overrides any values set previously via these property.
See Basic::BasicFlags to find out when gradients and borders are rendered for a given widget.
See also

◆ MarginHeight

phproperty<unsigned short>::bind<Basic, Arguments<unsigned short>::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginHeight> PhWidgets::Basic::MarginHeight

Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.

Property Value

unsigned short

A unsigned short that represents the amount of vertical space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.

The canvas is the valid drawing area of the widget and is inside all borders and margins.

◆ MarginWidth

phproperty<unsigned short>::bind<Basic, Arguments<unsigned short>::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginWidth> PhWidgets::Basic::MarginWidth

Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.

Property Value

unsigned short

A unsigned short that represents the amount of horizontal space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.

The canvas is the valid drawing area of the widget and is inside all borders and margins.

◆ OutlineColor

phproperty<Drawing::Color>::bind<Basic, Arguments<PgColor_t>::ColorResource, Arguments<>::OutlineColor> PhWidgets::Basic::OutlineColor

Gets or sets the color of the outline of the border.

Property Value


A Drawing::Color that represents the color of the outline of the border.

The inline is drawn if any of 'outline' Basic::Flags::Basic flags are set in Basic::BasicFlags.
See also

◆ resource

WidgetResourcesSingleton PhWidgets::Basic::resource

Resources of the Basic.

See also

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