WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the ComboBox.
Properties are used to simplify use of widget resources.
property< PhWidgets::ComboBoxStyle::eComboBoxStyle >::bind< ComboBox, &ComboBox::getDropDownStyle, &ComboBox::setDropDownStyle > | DropDownStyle |
| Gets or sets a value specifying the style of the combo box.
property< bool >::bind< ComboBox, &ComboBox::getDroppedDown, &ComboBox::setDroppedDown > | DroppedDown |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the combo box is displaying its drop-down portion.
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Container.
property< Widget >::bind< Container, &Container::getActiveWidget, &Container::setActiveWidget > | ActiveWidget |
| Gets or sets the active widget on the Container widget.
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Basic.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::BevelColor > | BevelColor |
| Gets or sets the main color of the bevel.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DrawingColor > | Color |
| Gets or sets the foreground or drawing color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkBevelColor > | DarkBevelColor |
| Gets or sets the dark outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::DarkFillColor > | DarkFillColor |
| Gets or sets the dark color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::FillColor > | FillColor |
| Gets or sets the fill color for the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::InlineColor > | InlineColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the inline of the border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightBevelColor > | LightBevelColor |
| Gets or sets the light outermost color used when applying a bevel to a widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::LightFillColor > | LightFillColor |
| Gets or sets the light color with which a gradient (if applied) goes.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginHeight > | MarginHeight |
| Gets or sets the amount of vertical space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments<>::MarginWidth > | MarginWidth |
| Gets or sets the amount of horizontal space between the widget's canvas and the widget's border.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Basic, Arguments< PgColor_t >::ColorResource, Arguments<>::OutlineColor > | OutlineColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the outline of the border.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Basic::type >::bind< Basic, Arguments< unsigned long >::Scalar, Arguments<>::BasicFlags > | BasicFlags |
| Gets or sets basic flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Basic::type.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Activate > | Activate |
| Occurs when you release the left pointer button while pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Arm > | Arm |
| Occurs when you press the left pointer button while pointing at the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Disarm > | Disarm |
| Occurs when you release the left pointer button when not pointing at an armed widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::GotFocus > | GotFocus |
| Occurs when a widget gets focus or its focus status changes.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::LostFocus > | LostFocus |
| Occurs when a widget loses focus.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Menu > | Menu |
| Occurs when you press the right button while the pointer is on top of the widget.
phwidgets_event< Basic, Basic::Callbacks<>::Repeat > | Repeat |
| Documentation in progress...
WidgetResourcesSingleton | resource |
| Resources of the Widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getAllowDrop, &Widget::setAllowDrop > | AllowDrop |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can accept data that the user drags onto it.
phbitmask< unsigned, Flags::Anchor::type, Flags::Anchor::All >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned >::AnchorFlags > | Anchor |
| Gets or sets flags specifying how the widget is anchored to its parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::BevelWidth > | BevelWidth |
| Gets or sets the bevel width of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBottom > | Bottom |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< PhArea_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getBounds, &Widget::setBounds > | Bounds |
| Gets or sets the size and location of the widget including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanFocus > | CanFocus |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget can receive focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCanSelect > | CanSelect |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget can be selected.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getContainsFocus > | ContainsFocus |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget, or one of its child widgets, currently has the input focus.
property< PhWidgets::Cursor >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getCursor, &Widget::setCursor > | Cursor |
| Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the widget.
phproperty< Drawing::Color >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PgColor_t >::Color, Arguments< PgColor_t >::CursorColor > | CursorColor |
| Gets or sets the color of the cursor pointer when it's inside the widget.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getEnabled, &Widget::setEnabled > | Enabled |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget can respond to user interaction.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getFocused > | Focused |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget has input focus.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasChildren > | HasChildren |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget contains one or more child widgets.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::hasParent > | HasParent |
| Gets a value indicating whether the widget has parent.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Height > | Height |
| Gets or sets the height of the widget.
property< std::string >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getHelpTopic, &Widget::setHelpTopic > | HelpTopic |
| Gets or sets the help topic of the widget.
property< bool, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getIsRealized > | IsRealized |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget is realized.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLeft, &Widget::setLeft > | Left |
| Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
property< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getLocation, &Widget::setLocation > | Location |
| Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
property< PtWidget_t * >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getParent, &Widget::setParent > | Parent |
| Gets or sets the parent container of the widget.
phproperty< PhPoint_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhPoint_t >::Position > | Position |
| Gets or sets the absolute coordinates of the upper-left corner of the widget.
property< short, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getRight > | Right |
| Gets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the widget and the left edge of its container's client area.
phproperty< PhDim_t >::bind< Widget, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Struct, Arguments< PhDim_t >::Dimension > | Size |
| Gets or sets the size of the widget.
tag_property< Widget, &Widget::getTag, &Widget::setTag > | Tag |
| Gets or sets the resource that contains data about the widget.
property< short >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getTop, &Widget::setTop > | Top |
| Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the widget and the top edge of its container's client area.
property< bool >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getVisible, &Widget::setVisible > | Visible |
| Gets or sets a value indicating whether the widget and all its child widgets are displayed.
property< std::set< PhWidgets::Widget >, property<>::ro >::bind< Widget, &Widget::getWidgets > | Widgets |
| Gets the list of widgets contained within the widget.
phproperty< unsigned short >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned short >::Scalar, Arguments< unsigned short >::Width > | Width |
| Gets or sets the width of the widget.
phbitmask< unsigned long, Flags::Extended::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< unsigned long >::Flag, Arguments< unsigned long >::ExtendedFlags > | ExtendedFlags |
| Gets or sets extended flags inherited by all widgets. See Flags::Extended::type.
phbitmask< long, Flags::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Flags > | WidgetFlags |
| Gets or sets flags inherited by all widgets.
phbitmask< long, Flags::Resize::type >::bind< Widget, Arguments< long >::Flag, Arguments< long >::Resiztype > | Resiztype |
| Gets or sets flags to control a widget's resize policy. See Flags::Resize::type.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Destroyed > | Destroyed |
| Occurs when the widget is destroyed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Blocked > | Blocked |
| Occurs when the widget is blocked.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::DragAndDrop > | DragDrop |
| Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::IsDestroyed > | IsDestroyed |
| Occurs when the widget's resources are being released.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Outbound > | Outbound |
| Occurs when you press the pointer button on the widget and then move out of the "hot spot" with the button still depressed.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Realized > | Realized |
| Occurs when the widget is realized.
phwidgets_event< Widget, Widget::Callbacks<>::Unrealized > | Unrealized |
| Occurs when the widget is unrealized.
A text field with a list of choices.
The ComboBox class provides a widget that's built from two exported subordinate widgets: List and Text.
A ComboBox widget provides a text-entry area and a list of choices.
- You can type in the text field or choose a predefined entry from the list. The list can be either:
- Static: Always present above or below the text field.
- Dropping: You must click a button to see the list.
- The widget behaves like a List or Text widget, depending on which part has focus.
- Note
- You can't specify the selection mode for the list.
To select an item using the pointer, either click on an item or drag the pointer down the list and release the button when the correct item is highlighted. You can select only one item. If you drag the pointer, the list can scroll.
- A blocking mechanism lets ComboBox block the inheritance of certain resources from its subordinate widgets. This prevents any actions that would negatively affect the look and behavior of a ComboBox widget.